Monday 30 June 2014

Keshi & Yobo quits Nigeria

Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi and the team captain Joseph Yobo have both resigned from Super Eagles after failing to qualify to the quarter-final stage of the 2014 World Cup, Vanguard reports.
Speaking this evening after the Eagles lost to France in the round of 16, Keshi said it was time to move on.

“I have to go back to my family and face fresh challenges,” Keshi said.

Sunday 29 June 2014

For Ladies, Top 10 ways you can make your man yours forever

when your hubby comes home in the evening. You say to him, “Honey I’m so glad you’re home. It’s been a really stressful day but all I could think about was coming home to you. I’m so glad I married you.”
1. A man needs to feel your respect in order to love you the way you want to be loved. Tell and show your man you respect and admire him. Let him know that you appreciate the things he does for you. Remember, what you do and say must be genuine.
2. Problem solving is your man’s way of showing he cares. Men like to problem solve. So when your man drives you crazy telling you to do x, y and z in certain situations that’s his way of taking care of the problem and therefore taking care of you. So don’t take it so personally.
3. Show your man he’s needed. Leman says showing your husband he’s needed is almost an art form. It’s so easy and the results are worth the effort. Leman gives the example of when your hubby comes home in the evening. You say to him, “Honey I’m so glad you’re home. It’s been a really stressful day but all I could
 think about was coming home to you. I’m so glad I married you.”
Then Leman says, “slip him the commercial.” By that he means ask for what you want. “After you relax would you mind helping Cassie with her homework while I finish up dinner. Then she’ll get to bed on time and we can relax a little together.”
Leman says this is great because 1. You tell him you’re glad to see him. 2. You ask for his help with a specific thing. 3. You promised a reward—time with you. According to Leman, your words take so little time but they mean so much.
4. Sex with your husband is essential to a lasting marriage. Leman says sexual fulfillment affirms the very core of who a man is—it affirms his masculinity. It intensifies his drive to protect you, to take care of you, to love you and to provide for you. According to Leman, if you are intimate with your husband, he will seek no other (chronic cheaters do not apply).
5. Give direct requests to your man. You need to be direct when expressing what you want, Leman says. Men don’t get hints or subtlety. Be specific and straightforward.
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6. Reinforce good behavior. Leman says when your man is doing something right, reinforce it and tell him how much you appreciate it. Brag about him in front of your friends and family.
7. Stay concise. Too much yapping will shut down your man’s attention, Leman says. So keep it short and sweet. Similarly, when you “nag” or yell, your man doesn’t hear you. Actually Leman says when you cry or scream your man will shut down and think you’re cuckoo.
8. Your man wants to please you. Leman urges women to remember this. Men want to please and provide for their woman and when they are unable to do something right, Leman says that is akin to someone telling a woman she’s fat AND ugly. You would take it personally. And they do too.
9. Tell your man once (or twice) what needs to be done. He knows and he remembers, says Leman, and he will get to it on his own time without having to be reminded 10 times. A great way to ask your man to do something, without coming off as “nagging,” is to write a “Honey to do list,” Leman says. Try it out, it may work for you.
10. Be selective while dating, but accepting while married. Leman says, date with your eyes wide open, but keep them half closed after you’re married.

Saturday 28 June 2014

For Guys only

GUYS ONLY: See The 7 secrets that women never tell their men 1It is a hidden fear among most women that other women in their man`s life, coworkers or female friends, may attract him more. The reason for it is quite simple, we all want to have something that we can`t have.

Women are known to be very open and extremely talkative creatures in comparison with men. But you`ll get surprised that not only men have some things to hide, but women also have some secrets. There is a mystery in every woman for a man to clear up. But unfortunately, only a few of them succeed. Though it is not that complicated to understand a woman, men have great difficulties with it. So here are some women`s secrets which I hope will help you to clear up the situation.
1. We want men to take initiative
 It is a very important thing. We do not like to take care, to plan and to do all sorts of things by ourselves. We want men to take initiative. Though, we never tell about it, you should know that it is important that you carry out some difficult tasks or surprise us. When a man takes initiative it means that he is involved, that he is attentive and caring. Do it more often, no matter what kind of thing it is – list of stuff to buy, or prepare
dinner, or plan your next holiday.
2. We want to be surprised more often
 All women go crazy with surprises, so we secretly dream about our partner to show his creativity and to astonish us as frequently as possible. Even a small unexpected sweet trifle will make a woman feel special and loved. It shouldn’t be an expensive gift, simply showing your initiative, concern and deep affection are priceless. It is not difficult, just be open and careful to your lady. When she realizes the fact that some effort has been taken to make her feel happy, you will be soon rewarded.
3. We are afraid that another women attract him more
 It is a hidden fear among most women that other women in their man`s life, coworkers or female friends, may attract him more. The reason for it is quite simple, we all want to have something that we can`t have. So women are afraid that their man`s heart may be stolen or he will start fantasizing about another woman. There is nothing worse for a woman than that.

4. We want men to be sincere
 Every person wants hisher partner to be always open and sincere no matter what. Nobody likes being fooled. And, of course, women are not the exception. We can forgive a lot of thing but not lies. Irrespective of the situation or how bad your fault is, a woman will always hear you out and even help you to solve the situation.
5. We notice and understand body language
 Women are known to have a sixth sense, especially if it concerns relationships. We always notice and analyze all small details in another person, and that includes body language of our partners. So we usually are aware of his sympathy to a colleague, which we have never met. Once we notice something suspicious, it starts bothering us, though we may not be even aware of what exactly annoys us. And if a woman suspects something, she will be very upset when her man doesn`t spend time with her but stays in the office.
6. We agree with “Guy Time”
That is another secret that only a few men know about. A lot of women actually agree with “guy time”. We understand perfectly well that our husbands, boyfriends need some space for themselves, and that it is very important for them to spend some time with friends, watching football matches, drinking beer or playing various kinds of games. The only problem here may be when a woman feels lack of attention, while a man focuses only on spending time with friends.
7. We want their friends to like us
 No woman will say this out loud. But it is so. His friends are very important for our men, so we want them to like us. This means that we want to show how we love our partner and what a beautiful person he is. Such tendency also helps to avoid unnecessary conflicts and arguments if we don`t like the friends or vice versa. Another reason for that is that his friends` sympathy for you will influence your partner`s decisions in various ways, which is, of course, to our advantage

Friday 27 June 2014

Every thing change after our marriage

I’ve been married now for almost 3 years and my husband and I have never made love. I could say he was impotent but to be honest, I really do not know the reason why. We were both celibate and Christians before we were married, and it worked out for us as there was no pressure to go against our conscience. After he proposed and we started marriage counselling, we began to discuss sex and he used to go into some small detail about how excited he was to be getting married, and especially to me, and some of the things we hoped to be able to do after we became man and wife. I was a bit hesitant to talk so openly but I was glad he wanted and desired me. Also he initiated cuddles some months to our wedding so we could begin to get used to each other. We would kiss and fondle through our clothes and it was really lovely. Sometimes he was a bit erect, other times not so much, and he never pushed me to go further. I was comfortable with that because I truly believe that sex should only come after marriage. Well, we did get married, and since then things changed. He used to be more touchy-touchy and hugging, but this has reduced drastically. On the night of our wedding, we didn’t even try, he said he was tired. On our honeymoon of two weeks, we did try, but nothing much happened, sometimes he got a small erection but it never lasted enough to go in and he would just stop after that. His reason was that he was stressed, and felt like I was expecting so much from him. I told him I wasn’t. I am actually a virgin and other than my husband, there was only one other guy I had kissed and made out with before my marriage. After we came back from the honeymoon, all affection just dried up. When I try to touch him, he moves away. And once we moved into the new three bedroom we got 6months after the wedding, he asked that we have separate rooms. That has been the death of our marriage, such as it was. As you can imagine, this has caused a strain on our marriage. I care for my husband, but at this stage, he’s more of a brother or friend to me, someone I share a flat with. I don’t love him anymore. I’ve tried talking to him about this, but I get nowhere. The most depressing apart is that when I try to ask for other forms of sex he walks away. His excuse is that if we do that, I would expect more and he didn’t want to keep disappointing me. I’m not even allowed to see him naked. As a result, I have resorted to looking at porn. Last month, I confronted him. My parents and his mother, though indirectly, were beginning to talk too much about their expected grandchildren that I couldn’t be too blind to see what they were asking for. We had a blazing row, and harsh words were hurled. He later apologized, and for the first time confided in me that he had an STI which may have scared him about having penetrative sex. He told me to get off his case or divorce him. I thought about it but I just couldn’t do that. To make matters worse, both my husband and I are workers in the church. If I could, I would get out of this marriage without delay, but I feel trapped because of what our pastor and church members would say. How would I even tell them the reason for our divorce? Also, I feel like I’ve given so much to this relationship and I don’t know how to start all over again. What of if the next man proves to be just as bad, or worse? I’m 33 years old this year and sometimes, it’s like my life is wasting away. I married with the hope of building a marriage of love with my husband, and having children. All those dreams have gone up in smoke. Only my career and church keeps me going, but the temptation is building to either damn it all and leave him, or have an affair. He travels a lot, so it’s not as if I can’t pull this off. It’s not that I have no more feelings for my husband. He has never been abusive to me. Only that he cannot offer the love and TLC that I crave so desperately and is not understanding to meet me halfway. My self-esteem is at an all-time low. I have gained over 20kg since I got married because I feel totally undesirable. I just do not know what to do.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

At least 21 killed in Abuja bomb blasts todays

At least 21 people were killed and 17 injured when an explosion tore through a crowded shopping district in the Nigerian capital Abuja during rush hour on Wednesday, a police spokesman said.

It was not immediately clear what caused the blast. Two witnesses at the scene said it shattered the glass of nearby stores and sent plumes of smoke billowing into the air.

The explosion rocked an area near the popular Banex Plaza shopping centre in the upscale Wuse 2 district, they said.

"After a preliminary investigation, we can confirm that 21 people were killed and 17 injured," police spokesman Frank Mba told reporters at the scene of the explosion.

"I heard a loud blast, it shattered the windows of the shop. We ran out. A lot of people ran too, some with blood stains," said Gimbya Jafaru, who was shopping nearby.

Thursday 19 June 2014

woman murders her 79years old husband over........

A 79-year-old woman in Japan named Yoshiko Suzuki has been arrested by the police after she allegedly beat her husband to death over an affair he had about 40 years ago.
NDTV reports that Yoshiko used a “stick-like object” to club her husband, Masaharu to death.
The couple lived with their 43-year-old daughter who was out shopping when the incident happened on Sunday night in their home in the town of Nakai, some 60 kilometres (40 miles) west of Tokyo.
She was arrested the following day and handed over to public prosecutors in Kanagawa prefecture on Tuesday, the police spokesman told AFP.
During interrogation, Yoshiko said, "My husband lost his job about 40 years ago because of an affair with a woman. We have often quarrelled over this matter."
According to report, the police intervened in one of their quarrels in September last year.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

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Sunday 15 June 2014

Fifa 2014

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Friday 13 June 2014