A 79-year-old woman in Japan named Yoshiko Suzuki has been arrested by the police after she allegedly beat her husband to death over an affair he had about 40 years ago.
NDTV reports that Yoshiko used a “stick-like object” to club her husband, Masaharu to death.
The couple lived with their 43-year-old daughter who was out shopping when the incident happened on Sunday night in their home in the town of Nakai, some 60 kilometres (40 miles) west of Tokyo.
She was arrested the following day and handed over to public prosecutors in Kanagawa prefecture on Tuesday, the police spokesman told AFP.
During interrogation, Yoshiko said, "My husband lost his job about 40 years ago because of an affair with a woman. We have often quarrelled over this matter."
According to report, the police intervened in one of their quarrels in September last year.